The Lux Void   +  Luxury

Check It Out
I have long thought this blog to be my little space, so to speak. It where I post any and everything I find inspirational, motivational, and of course all the clothes I droll over.

That being said, one of my new years resolutions was to start getting involved in Seattle and try new things. This is why I am starting a new Seattle Post-Intelligencer reader blog, Fashion Factory. The Seattle PI blog has a more direct focus on fashion in Seattle. I will post news happenings, Seattle store profiles, helpful fashion tips, and so forth.

I am still doing this blog of course. But perhaps you might just want to start reading both of my blogs. And if that is the case, you can check out the Fashion Factory.

I try to update La Boudoir and the Fashion Factory every day. So check back often for new stuff.

Thanks everyone for being such loyal readers and leaving tons of awesome comments.

photo credit: phil poynter