The Lux Void   +  Red

Fifties pieces
Julie Jojo, 20
musician / student

“I have a lot of pants, but I just never wear them. They don’t fit with my figure, luckily the fifties style does fit with my figure, so everything I have is from that time.
My mother has a second hand shop, and people started bringing their grandmother’s dresses for me. It’s those kind of dresses that people don’t dare to wear, and so I get these very nice original 50’s pieces, with petticoats and everything.
I like Marilyn Monroe of course. But I also look at other bloggers, The Bright Young Twins for example, they inspired me to style my hair more vintage. For my own blog I work with a girl that has the most amazing collection of 50’s and 60’s clothes. We started with the thought that when we’re older, there will only be pictures of us while going out in this kind of clothes, and not of the effort that we put in it, so that’s what we want to show on our blog."