The Lux Void + Luxury
After 20 minutes, when the hot water would start to run cold, my mom would step out of the shower to finish getting dressed. It was only a matter of minutes before the soft scent of Estee Lauder Youth Due dusting powder would tip-toe across the hall, dancing into my room. I’d take a deep breath. Comfort was in the air.
Unlike my mother, my grandmother didn’t shower, she bathed in a bath. Around 2:30am, while lying awake on the hard twin mattress across from my sister, I would hear the bath water run in the baby blue bathroom, right next door. The water so hot, within second the air would thicken and the temperature rise.
She’d lie in scolding hot bath until her tired, sore muscles were melted into submission. Once finished, I would hear the water being sucked down the slots of the silver drain, and in the same moment, I could smell the soft scent of Estee Lauder Youth Due dusting powder, ever so softly walking its way down the hall, and into my room. Deep breath. The smell of comfort.
My alarm goes off every morning at 7:45am. Leaving my husband tightly tucked beneath the blankets, I rise to the sound of jack hammers and drills from the construction worker next door. I hear the busy people, frantic in their cars, honking their horn before the street light even turns green. Ahh, morning.
As I fight for hot water with the neighbor showering down stairs, the construction workers yells, “Jack, Jack, get the hell down here. Jesus, man, what the hell are you doing!?!” Ahh yes, morning.
And after I lose the battle and the hot water is gone, I step out of the shower, cold, tired, and somewhat shocked by the abrupt aggression that has verbally filled the air. I take two steps toward the door, reach for a teal box set atop the shelf, flip open the lid, pull out the duster, and breathe deep. Comfort.
Thursday, September 02, 2010