The Lux Void   +  Luxury

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My 25 year was destined to be a rough one. The day of my 25 birthday I said to TJ, "25 is a figure it out year, it will be messy; however, 26 is when I finally get to hit the ground running." Man, oh man, was I right.

I spent my last 5 months of being 25 "getting it together." Starting a new job, family members passing, living apart from the two best people on the planet (TJ and Nacho dog 0f course), moving in with my grandmother in San Jose, moving to San Francisco alone, blah, blah, blah...the list could go on...
Rough times only prove who you really are. They test your character and refine your soul. You true colors really show under stress. That being said, if you're a horrible human, you seem even worse. And if you are a person of character, you come out of the "toughness" a tiny bit taller, with your head held high.
Something about seeing the light at the end of the tunnel....knowing the end is within arms reach, makes me turn around and feel proud. "We survived," I tell myself. Mine (and our) transition to San Francisco is almost over. In less than two weeks TJ, Nacho, and our entire home will finally be here. No more sleeping on a sofa bed, yay! Finally, we both will be ready to "hit the ground running."
Point being, I turned 26 this past Saturday. And I just know 26 is going to be a good year.