The Lux Void   +  victoria smith

do or die for sfgirlbybay
Aside from an awesome blog that keeps me inspired with great ideas, Victoria from sfgirlbybay has one of my favorite series — Sunday in the city. The weekly photos make me wish I had an afternoon to wander around San Francisco with a camera, enjoying the constant sunshine. So what makes this camera snapping, furniture finding, design creative tick? Read on...

SF Girl By Bay's Do or Die List:

1. I need to have at least one camera with me at all times. I take shots of even the most mundane subject ever, much to the chagrin of my companions. I love my Nikon D80.
2. The love of my life. He definitely completes me.
3. Life in San Francisco. It's pretty difficult for me to imagine living anywhere else.
4. The Alameda Flea Market. It's an addiction that brings me utter happiness.
5. My blog readers. They are so kind and generous and have given me a whole new career and much meaning to my life.
6. My friends. They are a constant source of creative inspiration and support.
7. NPR/KCRW. I don't watch television, so public radio is my link to what's going on in the world, culture and new music.
8. Sushi. I love everything about it — it's such a lovely, social way to eat. In fact I love all Japanese culture and design (but, that's two, huh?).
9. Design magazines — I love Cote Sud, Living Etc., Marie Clare Maison, Dwell, and Real Living. I miss Domino something terrible.
10. Large bodies of water — oceans, lakes and streams. Bubble baths. All water calms and soothes me.