The Lux Void + Luxury
1. My husband and family
2. My agenda! I write anything and everything in it. It's usually covered in post it notes, paper clips, and a variety of pen inks...the brighter the better.
3. Perfumes. I have a huge collection on perfumes, ones for day and ones for night. One of my favorites is a perfume made of violets that I used to wear as a child. I love to put it on before I slip into bed.
4. Chingnon pins. I carry these with me everywhere and stock up when ever I find them at a store. They are perfect for creating a chignon and don't give me a headache like a hair elastic.
5. Books, Blogs, Magazines, Movies, Music... I need them all. I love looking and listening to all things creative, no matter what medium they are.
6. Food. I'm a total foodie and I married a foodie...makes things so much more interesting.
7. Rosebud Lip Salve. The best lip balm ever!
8. Heels. Next to the perfect dress, heels have the amazing power to make you feel uber girly.
9. The water. I love to be anywhere near the water, what can I say? It must be the island in me.
10. Home. I'm a creature that needs to have a space of her own, a retreat from the rest of the world.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009