I can honestly say I have worked long and hard to become confident in who I am and what I look like. And yet there are still days I want to throw on sweats and crawl back into bed. Or pull my hair out and flat-iron my face. And on those days it is a struggle to restrain myself from running out and spending big bucks on better clothes to make myself feel better.
I am not old by any means, but in my time I have learned that no matter how good I feel when wearing my Isabel Marant jacket, I feel my best when I am taking care of me. That means eating well so I don't get stomach aches, spending time in the bath tub relaxing, making time to read a book, and most importantly spending time sweating. Yes, sweating.
Personally I have gone to the gym for a year now and haven't lost a pound or a pant size. In fact, I've gain 4lbs. But, when I am exercising I am sweating which is releasing toxins from my body. I am also allowing my mind to take a break from all the worries and work-related issues of the day. And in turn, I know I am physically and mentally taking care of myself and that makes me walk taller and feel better.
I recently read an interview with Paris-based designer Rick Owens. One of Rick Owens Rules of Style nailed it on the head for me. Owens said, "No outfit is going to make you look or feel as good as having a fit body. Buy less clothing and go to the gym instead."
Needless to say, I couldn't agree more. If you are taking care of your body, you could wear $11,410 Balmain jacket or a $90 pair of Topshop jeans and still look great.