October always marks the holiday season for me. No matter what religion or holidays you celebrate – once the pumpkins are stacked outside the grocery store and the temperature drops, I know the holidays are here.
Growing up I hated the holiday season. I hated having to buy presents for people just because they bought you things. I hated the feelings on “have to” as in; I "have to" get them something. It wasn’t until I was in college that I began to enjoy the holidays. I finally didn’t have to buy everyone a gift. I could focus on buying a few people things that would really encourage them, inspire them, and of course, remind them that I cared about them. Once I got away from “having to” and could give presents because I wanted to, I enjoyed the holidays a whole lot more.
The paragraph above and the post below explain the new project I am taking on. – THE GIFT EXCHANGE.
I am sure a lot of people have done gift exchanges at one point in their life. Whether a “white elephant” party or an office gift exchange – we have all given something to someone at one time or another.
Well this is the blogger Gift Exchange and here is how it works:
1. Send me an email at laboudoirblog@gmail.com that includes the following:
- Contact information (name, address, and email)
- What are your hobbies/ favorite activities?
- Do you collect anything special?
- What is your favorite music?
- What are your favorite foods?
- What inspires you?
- What are your favorite places you have traveled or would like to travel?
3. In early November you will receive your person you are to send a gift
4. Go find a gift that meets the following criteria
- Inspires the person
- Relates to their interest
- Is thoughtful (you didn’t just go buy “any” gift)
- Is under 15 dollars (You can make them a mixed tape, buy them an art book at a thrift store. The key is to be thoughtful not expensive. )
-Include a note about why you picked this present as in, "I hope this inspires you to continue making blah blah..." "I hope this present reminds you of your creativity and blah blah ..."
5. Mail the present by the first week in December – to insure the gift gets to your recipient by the end of the year.
Lastly, tell your other friends to come sign up. The more people that get involved means more people are going to be doing nice things for one another and brightening someone else’s day.
The deadline to email me is October 31 – as in Halloween. So send me that email (laboudoirblog@gmail.com) and sign up!