The Lux Void   +  spring fashion 2009

fashion frenzy
giambattista valli

I tell you, if you miss a couple of days of runway shows, it take hours to catch up. Ahh, but I am finally up to date. I spent the last couple of hours watching video, scanning photos, and making a stock pile of notes for my spring 09 runway review (you can see fall 08 here).

One quick note, there is a ton of black on the runway for spring. Perhaps it is because global warming is starting to make our seasons all screwed up. I know here in Seattle the winter last forever, and the summer sucked. And they had the same type of seasons in London as well.

Though some may enjoy the pinks and purples and god-awful spring colors. I personally am thrilled to see blacks and greys all over the spring 09 runway. I am looking forward to getting dressed next summer — and that is rare.