Fall is ComingI’ve been slacking, or maybe it appears that way. I feel like I have been neglecting my little blog space. Not posting enough cool things that I find, not telling you more stories, and not checking out all of your stories as frequently as I would like. Truth be told, things have been busy. Work was hectic last week, we did a quick two day trip to California this past weekend, we’ve had guest at our apartment 3 out of 5 weekends, and with our party 5 weeks away there is still a lot of planning.
That being said, I am working on something for us. Fall fashion is starting to fill the stores and I cannot wait. Autumn colors, dresses, black tights, boots – fall clothing is so much better than spring. And seeing that it is winter in Seattle 8 months out of the year, fall clothing is where most of my money goes. Anyways, I am working on putting together a runway review. It’s quick and easy guide to the best fall fashion to come off the runway this year.
So I haven’t been completely slacking, just busy, with good reason.