The Lux Void   +  Luxury

Weekly Wrap-Up
It's Friday! Yes. Finally. This weekend will be spent eating dinner with friends, caucusing for Obama, sleeping in, and painting my bathroom blue. Much thanks to all the blogs that made the work week bearable. A few of my favorites from this week were -

Simply Olive had a amazing font/ letters posted today. They reminded me of the paper you get at a scrapbook store. Very rarely is font that exciting (at least to me), so check it out.

Desire to Inspire did a post on Kim Payne. The photos are amazing and I want a new bathroom because of them.

Over at Alice in Wonderland, Alice posted a long chain of inspiring photos that are just that — Inspiring. (the photo above is from Alice's post)

Lastly, sign up for Facebook so that we can play Scrabble. It's my new favorite thing to do. And I promise you, I will lose so you can feel like a winner.

Have a good weekend.