This week provided some great insight and inspiration. Check out what I found -
Joanna over at Cup of Joe posted today about, Kate Hutchinson, a Montreal-based photographer, who has an on-going series called “Why Am I Marrying Him?” This is one of the best things I found all week. I love it, so go check it out.
Alice in Wonderland posted some incredible photos this past week (she always seems to have incredible photos). Either way, give them a look.
Black Eiffel brought this letter contest to my attention. I am having my mom do it. So you should do it too.
Don't know where your life is going? Design for Mankind is starting a new Road Maps series. It's kind-of a figure out your life type of thing.
I'm off for the weekend. My boyfriend's best friend and girlfriend are in town and hopefully the sky will clear up so we can all walk around. Enjoy the weekend.