The Lux Void   +  Luxury

Gap Goodies?
So it's no news to anyone that Gap has put out Gap Design Editions, which includes Phillip Lim, Michael Bastian, Crangi, and threeASFOUR's Gabi, Adi, and Ange.

After getting a good look at the results, I am not sure how I feel about it. Personally, the white shirts feel like, well white shirts. Perhaps I have a hard time rationalizing spending 78 dollars for anything at the Gap. Most of the stuff at the Gap is wide and doesn't ever seem to fit me right. Who knows.

I will say, there were two items I liked.

1- The cut out dress by threeAS FOUR

2 — The 3/4 sleeved top by Phillip Lim

You can read more about it at Fashion Week Daily. Though they did manage to spell Phillip's name wrong. Opps.

Also Gap did a good job on their website showcasing the designer and their pieces. You can check that out here. And of course, you can purchase them there too.