The Lux Void + Science
"zgodlocator is a memory machine that functions according to the magnetic principles of a computer's hard disk and organizes tiny metal particles. In zgodlocator these particles are in fact ground computer parts that are magnetically sensitive."Herwing Weiser, Liquid computer/Electrochemical sound modules, work in progress 2004-2007Herwing Weiser, Death before disco, installation 2005-2006Herwing Weiser, Death before disco, installation 2005-2006
"Herwig Weiser built a machine which confronts us with its technical elements in a particularly clear and alienating way. 'Death Before Disko' uses an online data stream from space observation and translates it into simple yet spectacular sound and light events. With the proliferation of digital technologies, users have become more and more distant from the physical hardware of their laptop or hi-fi units. 'Death Before Disko' aims to return to the foundations of the hardware, and shows how our relationship towards technology is more often emotional than rational. "
Projets d'art et nouvelles technologies très intéressants!
Projects of art and new technologies very interesting!
Sources: Vvork, Herwing Weiser
Tuesday, November 13, 2007