The Lux Void   +  Peinture / Painting

Jim Houser
Wow! Trop sympatique, j'adore tout simplement le mélange installation et peinture dans un style "street art''. Les couleurs sont magnifiques!
Wow! Too much sympatic, I quite simply adore the mix installation and painting in a "street art" style. The colors are splendid!

"Jonathan LeVine Gallery is please to present asobviousasaskull, a solo exhibit of new works by Jim Houser. This is the artist’s second major solo show at the gallery and will feature an installation of paintings, sculptures, and a large-scale mural featuring a collection of painted wooden panels. For this exhibition, the artist will debut original composed music to create a visceral experience for the viewer.

For asobviousasaskull, Houser continues to translate an acute awareness of words and sensitivity to his surroundings through his art. Working in a style of free-association, Houser creates profound and uplifting poetry, which renders his art carefree and innocent. Houser’s fascination with word association parlays to a distinct aesthetic and mode of communication — a new visual language. Choosing words that interest him, either for their visual or aural properties, Houser is concerned with transcribing subjective elements through a basic vocabulary of images. Each work is related through theme, color, and text, forming a deep-coded composition, where the viewer activates a dialogue and participates in a seemingly complex narrative."

Source: Fecal Face, Jonathan Levine Gallery