Les "paperwork" de Andreas Kocks sont facianant: j'aime les matières et les tons sur tons.
The "paperwork" of Andreas Kocks are facinating: I like the matters and the tone on tone.
"I am interested in space, as an event, as an experience, as a sensuous perception.I use paper to realize my ideas, because as a medium it's neutral, timeless and universal. It's fragility contains an easiness, which is liberating for me. I can react immediately to what I've done, just a moment ago, just as I can with drawing. The cut paper sections separate themselve from their inate flatness such that they catch space through the modulation of light and shadow. The entire piece is specifiaclly installed as a conscious kind of architecture. The creative process remains transparent in the work as it becomes an autonomous object, a physical opposite to, as well as part of the spacious site. I want my work to get into direct contact with its locale. The colorfield, which lies behind the paper, marks the pictorial space for the smaller pieces. When it covers the whole wall or even several walls as a large site-specific piece, it becomes a part of the architecture. This is why my pieces are unframed and mounted directly on the wall. The contrast between my organic shapes and the orthogonal space is significant. In this way, especially if the work is large, the viewer is invited to move, to change his position and thus constantly modify his viewpoint. He then experiences the dynamic processes inside the work and is forced to look at real space in a different way. This tension mirrors the questions that interest me most: How does the sculptural space appear to the viewer? How is the sculptural space related to the architectural space?" From the artist website