The Lux Void   +  Installations

Leslie Mutchler
Leslie Mutchler, Post it(s). 2003. Installation in President's Hall, Tyler School of Art, Elkins Park, PA. 16' x 20'. 10,000 newsprint squares with digital output.Leslie Mutchler, ReCollection. Installation at Temple Gallery, Philadelphia, PA. 2004. 19' x 50' (Dimensions variable by space). Post-it flags, 500,000 squares of newsprint with digital output, mixed media.

Beau travail répétitif inspiré de la collection et de l'organisation.
Beautiful repetitive work inspired by collection and organization.

''Collecting and organizing are means by which I make sense of the material life around me. My daily practice of collecting, sorting and then archiving everyday ephemera (post-it notes, envelopes, cards, receipts, found objects, tickets, tags, etc) fuels the cumulative multiple that is my installation work. I choose to exaggerate the already- amassed; calling attention to the quantity and banality that is our often-overlooked everyday. This exaggeration also calls to attention the method in which the collection is organized, stacked, separated and shelved. It is the repetitive nature of this order and the beauty that emanates from simplified and functional forms that engages me. My collages stem from an interest in consumer desires to purchase an organized lifestyle. I use catalogue glossies from Crate & Barrel, Ikea, Pottery Barn, and others to create a hybrid-form of organization that speaks about the many tastes and design influences surrounding our consumer culture.'' From her website